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Image by Carol Fernandes

Arthritis Treatment

Services > Arthritis Treatment

A man holding his hands on his knee and suffering from arthritis pain


Arthritis is an extremely common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by inflammation and pain in the joints, which can lead to stiffness and reduced mobility. While it is more prevalent in older adults, arthritis can affect individuals of any age, including children.

Arthritis encompasses more than 100 conditions that affect the joints or the tissue surrounding them. 

The most common types of arthritis are: 


  • Osteoarthritis: This is the most prevalent type of arthritis and is caused by age-related wear and tear of the cartilage in the joints. The cartilage serves to cushion the ends of the bones and minimize friction. Over time, this damage can worsen and potentially result in bone grinding against bone.


  • Rheumatoid arthritis: It is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system attacks the joint lining, causing inflammation and pain. This type of arthritis may spread beyond the joint itself and cause pain in other parts of the body.


If you experience any of these symptoms persistently, you may be suffering from arthritis: 


  • Joint pain and tenderness

  • Swelling in the joints

  • Stiffness, especially in the morning or following long periods of inactivity

  • Redness and warmth around the affected joint

  • Decreased range of motion

Diagnosis and Treatments

Upon your visit to the medical office, your orthopedic doctor will review your medical history to understand the symptoms and potential causes, as well as conduct a physical examination to assess your joint function, range of motion and signs of inflammation. 

Following that, your doctor may perform X-ray imaging tests to visualize bone damage or changes in joint spacing, and can also order MRI scans to get a detailed view of soft tissues and cartilage.

Additionally, laboratory tests including blood work may be ordered to measure inflammation markers that will help with the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.


After the thorough diagnosis, Dr. Errachid will create a personalized treatment plan for you to manage your arthritis and reduce the symptoms. 

Treatment options usually start off with conservative approaches, they may include the following: 


  • Pain medication: such as Analgesics and Anti-Inflammatory drugs to provide pain relief and reduce inflammation.

  • Oral or Injected Corticosteroids: They can significantly reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system when necessary.

  • PRP injections: They are often used to improve joint function, reduce pain, and possibly slow, halt, or even repair damage to cartilage, especially in knee osteoarthritis. 

  • Hyaluronic Acid injections: They are frequently used to treat knee osteoarthritis by providing lubrication to the joint, which helps to ease pain and improve mobility. 

  • Physical therapy: Aims to ease the symptoms and improve joint function by strengthening the muscles around the joints, potentially increasing the range of motion and improving balance and stability. 

Surgical Options

When conservative treatments are not enough to alleviate your symptoms, surgical procedures may be considered. The most common surgeries for arthritis include:


  • Joint Repair: Minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery can be used to smooth or realign joint surfaces to reduce pain and improve function.

  • Joint Replacement: In severe cases, damaged joints may be replaced with artificial ones. The most commonly replaced joints are the knee joints and the hip joints. This procedure can significantly improve quality of life by restoring joint function and relieving pain.

  • Joint fusion: Also known as arthrodesis, this procedure involves fusing the bones of a joint together, forming one continuous, rigid bone. It is more often used for smaller joints such as the wrist, fingers and ankle. It can help alleviate pain when a joint replacement is not an option.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

If you’re suffering from arthritis related pain and seeking relief, don't wait. Call us or book an appointment online today! Dr. Errachid is here to provide you with the support you need and help reduce the severity of your symptoms.

  • A: It depends on the type of arthritis and response to treatment. Some forms may require long-term medication, while others may be managed with lifestyle changes and intermittent treatment.

  • A: Arthritis is typically diagnosed through a combination of physical examination, medical history, imaging tests (such as X-rays or MRIs), and blood tests. Your orthopedic doctor will assess your symptoms and order the appropriate tests to determine the type and extent of your arthritis.

  • A: While there is no cure for arthritis, many treatments can help manage symptoms, slow disease progression, and improve quality of life. The goal of arthritis treatment is to reduce pain, maintain joint function, and prevent further damage.

  • A: The frequency of follow-up visits for arthritis depends on the type, severity, and progression of your condition. Regular follow-ups with your orthopedic doctor are essential to monitor progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed.

  • A: Yes, a balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods and regular low-impact exercise can help manage arthritis symptoms and improve joint health.

  • A: Recovery after the arthroscopic joint repair surgery typically takes 4-6 weeks for most activities, with full recovery taking several months depending on the extent of the repair.

  • A: Recovery after joint fusion surgery can vary depending on the specific joint and individual factors, but it generally takes anywhere from a few months to more than a year as the bones need to fuse completely. Patients can usually start to resume normal activities within weeks after the surgery.



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Opening Hours

Monday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Tuesday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Thursday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Friday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Saturday : 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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